The Cambridge Companion to Epicureanism(ISBN=9780521695305) 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子书 mobi 在线

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The Cambridge Companion to Epicureanism(ISBN=9780521695305)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780521695305
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-07
  • 页数:342
  • 价格:211.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-20 02:22:27


This Companion presents both an introduction to the history of the ancient philosophical school of Epicureanism and also a critical account of the major areas of its philosophical interest. Chapters span the school's history from the early Hellenistic Garden to the Roman Empire and its later reception in the Early Modern period, introducing the reader to the Epicureans' contributions in physics, metaphysics, epistemology, psychology, ethics and politics. The international team of contributors includes scholars who have produced innovative and original research in various areas of Epicurean thought and they have produced essays which are accessible and of interest to philosophers, classicists, and anyone concerned with the diversity and preoccupations of Epicurean philosophy and the state of academic research in this field. The volume emphasises the interrelation of the different areas of the Epicureans' philosophical interests while also drawing attention to points of interpretative difficulty and controversy.


Introduction James Warren;

1. The Athenian garden Diskin Clay;

2. Epicureanism in the Roman Republic David Sedley;

3. Epicureanism in the Roman Empire Michael Erler;

4. Epicurean atomism Pierre-Marie Morel;

5. Epicurean empiricism Elizabeth Asmis;

6. Cosmology and meteorology Liba Taub;

7. Psychology Christopher Gill;

8. Action and responsibility Tim O'Keefe;

9. Pleasure and desire Raphael Woolf;

10. Politics and society Eric Brown;

11. Philosophy of language Catherine Atherton;

12. Poetry and rhetoric David Blank;

13. Removing fear: the gods and death James Warren;

14. Epicurean therapy: pedagogy and improvement Voula Tsouna;

15. Epicureanism in the early modern period Catherine Wilson;

Bibliography; General index; Index of passages from ancient












  This Companion presents both an introduction to the history of

the ancient philosophical school of Epicureanism and also a

critical account of the major areas of its philosophical interest.

Chapters span the school's history from the early Hellenistic

Garden to the Roman Empire and its later reception in the Early

Modern period, introducing the reader to the Epicureans'

contributions in physics, metaphysics, epistemology, psychology,

ethics and politics. The international team of contributors

includes scholars who have produced innovative and original

research in various areas of Epicurean thought and they have

produced essays which are accessible and of interest to

philosophers, classicists, and anyone concerned with the diversity

and preoccupations of Epicurean philosophy and the state of

academic research in this field. The volume emphasises the

interrelation of the different areas of the Epicureans'

philosophical interests while also drawing attention to points of

interpretative difficulty and controversy.

  ? An international team of experts in the field provides a

comprehensive introduction to this highly influential ancient

philosophical school ? Includes coverage of important new

epigraphic and papyrological texts, especially those from

Herculaneum ? Can be used as a general introduction, as well as for

more detailed readings


This Companion presents both an introduction to the history of the ancient philosophical school of Epicureanism and also a critical account of the major areas of its philosophical interest. Chapters span the school's history from the early Hellenistic Garden to the Roman Empire and its later reception in the Early Modern period, introducing the reader to the Epicureans' contributions in physics, metaphysics, epistemology, psychology, ethics and politics. The international team of contributors includes scholars who have produced innovative and original research in various areas of Epicurean thought and they have produced essays which are accessible and of interest to philosophers, classicists, and anyone concerned with the diversity and preoccupations of Epicurean philosophy and the state of academic research in this field. The volume emphasises the interrelation of the different areas of the Epicureans' philosophical interests while also drawing attention to points of interpretative difficulty and controversy.


  • 故事情节:6分

  • 人物塑造:9分

  • 主题深度:7分

  • 文字风格:5分

  • 语言运用:9分

  • 文笔流畅:6分

  • 思想传递:5分

  • 知识深度:7分

  • 知识广度:7分

  • 实用性:3分

  • 章节划分:8分

  • 结构布局:6分

  • 新颖与独特:4分

  • 情感共鸣:5分

  • 引人入胜:9分

  • 现实相关:8分

  • 沉浸感:9分

  • 事实准确性:7分

  • 文化贡献:6分


  • 书籍多样性:4分

  • 书籍信息完全性:9分

  • 网站更新速度:3分

  • 使用便利性:3分

  • 书籍清晰度:7分

  • 书籍格式兼容性:5分

  • 是否包含广告:9分

  • 加载速度:6分

  • 安全性:5分

  • 稳定性:8分

  • 搜索功能:6分

  • 下载便捷性:7分


  • 三星好评(492+)
  • 字体合适(450+)
  • 差评少(649+)
  • 目录完整(419+)
  • 一星好评(261+)
  • 章节完整(434+)
  • 值得购买(111+)
  • 快捷(145+)
  • 收费(69+)
  • 中评多(189+)
  • 赚了(99+)
  • 引人入胜(580+)


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