书海拾贝 -Beyond Six Sigma
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Beyond Six Sigma书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780471681519
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2006-3
  • 页数:303
  • 价格:614.00元
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
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  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-20 02:23:20


Six Sigma is an incredibly powerful tool for trimming the fat from business processes and increasing operating efficiency to a point of near-perfection. But the days of cutting costs to create shareholder value are quickly coming to an end. In order to compete in today's super-hot global economy, companies like yours need radically new tools for connecting more closely with customers, identifying emerging market trends, and seizing opportunities for growth. Enter Customer Value Creation (CVC). In this breakthrough guide to driving profitable growth, authors Gary Plaster and Jerry Alderman introduce CVC, a revolutionary customer-centered business paradigm that marries Six Sigma tools to the sciences of marketing and strategy. "Beyond Six Sigma is practical, useful, and readable. The linkage of Six Sigma to customer processes is truly the next phase in achieving a competitive advantage with sustainable results. A must-read for every COO and CMO looking for the formula for profitable growth."

—Robert T. Cancalosi, Chief Learning Officer, GE Healthcare "An insightful, practical, step-by-step approach to achieving profitable growth through a focus on building customer value."

—R. Craig Breese, President, Maytag International "Plaster and Alderman have applied real-world principles to create a disciplined approach to growth that will truly become the next Six Sigma. Brilliant!"

—Darrell Graddy, Vice President, Lockheed Martin "This is a book that speaks management's language. It shows us a straightforward approach to profitable growth by starting outside-in, i.e., with the customer. What a novel concept!"

—James E. Goodwin, former chairman and CEO, United Airlines "This is one amazing book. Easy to read, easy to digest, and easy to implement. It's loaded with insight, novel ideas, cases, and breakthrough recommendations."

—James A. McClung, former senior vice president and executive officer, FMC Corporation "This groundbreaking book clearly defines the growth agenda for all companies and provides the tools needed to deliver results! Plaster and Alderman get it!"

—D. Keith Pigues, Vice President, Marketing, CEMEX "It would take a dozen marketing books to cover the ground that Plaster and Alderman cover with this new book. Building and sustaining growth is today's top priority and the authors hit this mark. Interesting, thought-provoking, and definitely on-target."

—Michael Preston, Professor, Columbia University Business School










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Six Sigma is an incredibly powerful tool for trimming the fat from business processes and increasing operating efficiency to a point of near-perfection. But the days of cutting costs to create shareholder value are quickly coming to an end. In order to compete in today's super-hot global economy, companies like yours need radically new tools for connecting more closely with customers, identifying emerging market trends, and seizing opportunities for growth. Enter Customer Value Creation (CVC). In this breakthrough guide to driving profitable growth, authors Gary Plaster and Jerry Alderman introduce CVC, a revolutionary customer-centered business paradigm that marries Six Sigma tools to the sciences of marketing and strategy. "Beyond Six Sigma is practical, useful, and readable. The linkage of Six Sigma to customer processes is truly the next phase in achieving a competitive advantage with sustainable results. A must-read for every COO and CMO looking for the formula for profitable growth."

—Robert T. Cancalosi, Chief Learning Officer, GE Healthcare "An insightful, practical, step-by-step approach to achieving profitable growth through a focus on building customer value."

—R. Craig Breese, President, Maytag International "Plaster and Alderman have applied real-world principles to create a disciplined approach to growth that will truly become the next Six Sigma. Brilliant!"

—Darrell Graddy, Vice President, Lockheed Martin "This is a book that speaks management's language. It shows us a straightforward approach to profitable growth by starting outside-in, i.e., with the customer. What a novel concept!"

—James E. Goodwin, former chairman and CEO, United Airlines "This is one amazing book. Easy to read, easy to digest, and easy to implement. It's loaded with insight, novel ideas, cases, and breakthrough recommendations."

—James A. McClung, former senior vice president and executive officer, FMC Corporation "This groundbreaking book clearly defines the growth agenda for all companies and provides the tools needed to deliver results! Plaster and Alderman get it!"

—D. Keith Pigues, Vice President, Marketing, CEMEX "It would take a dozen marketing books to cover the ground that Plaster and Alderman cover with this new book. Building and sustaining growth is today's top priority and the authors hit this mark. Interesting, thought-provoking, and definitely on-target."

—Michael Preston, Professor, Columbia University Business School


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